Study 3 (n = 328) and Study 4 (n = 107) presented participants with feedback of high leadership aptitude based on prestige vs.

stable characteristics of participants’ competency. Study 2 (n = 177) presented participants with positive feedback on interpersonal perception based on unstable vs. Study 1 (n = 329) asked participants to recall pride inducing episodes with explicit encouragement to feel target emotions. Our research compared diverse experimental methods to assess construct validity of both facets of pride. Yet, controversy persists with regard to the validity of hubristic pride. According to Tracy and Robins’ two-facet theory of pride, authentic pride arises when success originates from unstable attributions (e.g., effort), and hubristic pride arises when success originates from stable attributions (e.g., talent). These findings provide insight into the types of people who harbor homonegative and transnegative attitudes, and how differences in moral foundations contribute to these associations. The associations of Machiavellianism and psychopathy with homonegativity and transnegativity were primarily explained by low endorsement of individualizing moral foundations (i.e., care and fairness), while the association of narcissism with these beliefs was primarily explained by high endorsement of binding moral foundations (i.e., loyalty, authority, and purity). We found that people high in Machiavellianism, grandiose narcissism, and psychopathy are more likely to endorse homonegative and transnegative views. In the present studies (N1 = 709 N2 = 267), we examined whether people with antagonistic personality traits are also more likely to express homonegative and transnegative attitudes, and, if so, whether this can be explained by their endorsement of the moral foundations. People with antagonistic (or “dark”) personality traits (e.g., Machiavellianism, grandiose narcissism, and psychopathy) are reportedly more racist, sexist, and xenophobic than their non-antagonistic counterparts. The study contributes to narcissism, stress and nursing literature, showing some positive facets of narcissism that might be useful for reducing stress perception and facilitating human relationships in the work environment, both in emergency and non-emergency contexts. Furthermore, nurses' age moderates the above relationships. Results show that Leadership/Authority negatively influences stress perception, while Entitlement/Exploitativeness positively influences it. Data are analysed using hierarchical linear modelling and simple slope analyses. We recruited 281 nurses who completed an online survey investigating their stress perception levels and personalities. The paper focuses on two facets of narcissism, i.e., Leadership/Authority and Entitlement/Exploitativeness. This study investigates nurses' stress perception in COVID-19 time and how some antecedents (i.e., narcissism and age) impact it. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the reorganisation and creation of new hospitals, shocking healthcare workers' routines. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved). The NPI-13 may be favored over the NPI-16 because it allows for the extraction of 3 subscales, consistent with the use of its parent measure. Across 2 studies, we demonstrate that both short measures manifest good convergent and discriminant validity and adequate overall reliability. In the present research, we examine the reliability and validity of the NPI-16 in conjunction with a new short measure of narcissism, the NPI-13, which provides both a total score and 3 subscale scores (Leadership/Authority Grandiose Exhibitionism Entitlement/Exploitativeness). In response, Ames, Rose, and Anderson (2006) created the NPI-16, which provides a shorter, unidimensional measure of the construct. However, with a length of 40 items, this measure may not be ideal in settings in which time or participant attention may limit the types of measures that can be administered. The most widely used measure of trait narcissism is the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), which can provide both total and subscale scores.